Sunday Morning Bible Study
Weekly at 9:15 am
Every Sunday we gather at 9:15 am to open the Bible and supporting resources to explore how God is speaking to us as individuals and as a community. Scripture provides the rich soil needed to grow in our understanding of what it means to be a child of God. We provide classes for all ages, and adults choose which class best fits their needs. Feel free to visit multiple classes to find the group that meets you where you are on your journey.
Maxwell-Bean Class
Originally called “the Library Class” because they began as Sunday School “renegades” who “hid out” in the library, this group will study what they want, for how long they want. This is the place for anyone with a strong independent streak! You can find them in the Schober Room on the main floor.
We are currently studying “The Gospel of Mark, A Beginners Guide to the Good News”. This book, by scholar Amy-Jill Levine, is a walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus. The gospel message comes alive as readers see Jesus as divine and human, powerful and weak, approachable yet mysterious. The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels.
Hastings Class
Participants develop topics based on class interest. Most parents straggle into this class…the latest to arrive is greeted as warmly as the first! On the road, literally and figuratively, this class enjoys sharing the journey as they grow. They are currently meeting in Room 304 on the top floor.
Howe-Hickman Class
The Howe/Hickman class is essentially a traditional Sunday School Bible Study class. We use Formations Sunday School literature from Smyth and Helwys which is written to provide exposure to different parts of the Bible during the course of the year. For example, we just finished a month exploring Jonah, and are now moving into a Lenten series which is drawn from Mark, Matthew, Acts, and Psalms. During the month of April we will be in a unit titled “Come to the Table” which includes scripture from Luke, Acts, 1 Corinthians and Hebrews.
Most Sunday sessions include a community time of prayer concerns, followed by the lesson of the week. Teachers of the class usually begin with an introductory question followed by the scripture of the day and discussion of who or what we see in the Scripture. We consider where we fit in and look for applications to our world.
The Agape SS class is a diverse class of adults with ages ranging in the late 40's through the 80-90's. We come together weekly, sharing with one another prayer concerns, mission ideas and ways to support one another and the ministries of the church.
Our SS lesson material varies as we typically choose from the Baptist Way Press selections. These may be based on a book from the Bible or a theme that spans the Old and New Testament. Class participation is encouraged, and we usually have good discussions as we share together. We recently completed a series of lessons from the Gospel of John and are currently studying with the theme of Faith>Fear. In this series we began with Genesis and God's presence in the garden and will continue through several lessons in the Old Testament into the New Testament, reminding us through His word that faith truly is greater than fear.
The Howe-Hickman Class continues to offer a virtual option. If you would like to join the class via zoom, email info@kirkwoodbaptist.org.

Formational Opportunities
We are formed into the image of Christ through many different avenues. As we deepen friendships we are formed. As we learn new information, we are formed. As we spend time with God in prayer we are formed. As we learn about our own ways of being we are formed.
See the church calendar and events for dates and times, or email Pastor Matt Vandagriff,
to discuss what path may be meaningful for you during this season of life.
Women's Epiphany
​Each January we gather to reflect on the past year and look toward the new year with star words.
Topics such as the Enneagram or parenting are explored in a focused setting.
Taking time away from the daily routine to focus on our relationship with God.
Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study
A weekly study of the scripture text from the previous Sunday's sermon. Led by the Senior Pastor.
Men's Prayer Group
A twice-per-month gathering for men to engage scripture through lectio divina and to pray with one another.
Women's Spiritual Friendship
A monthly gathering for women to connect, pray and study together.
Widow's Might
Widows in fellowship with one another. These ladies meet twice a month for a Game Day and a Luncheon.
Group Spiritual Direction
Regular small group gatherings to focus on becoming more aware of how God is working in our lives.