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Helping Hands


Deacons assist the Pastoral Staff in caring for the community.  Serving three-year terms, Deacons choose which ministry team they feel called to be part of for a year.  New Deacons are enlisted in the spring of each year.  For those who have never served as a Deacon at KBC or at another church, we have a service of ordination.  

Ordinances Ministry Team Purpose and Function
The Ordinances Ministry Team provides valuable leadership in the supervision of KBC ordinances such as baptisms and communion. Its purpose is to effectively and lovingly:
• Assist the Senior Pastor or other ministerial staff member and candidates for baptism during baptismal services
• Prepare the elements for communion
• Assist with other KBC ordinances as requested by the ministerial staff.

Bereavement Ministry Team Purpose and Functions
The Bereavement Ministry Team’s purpose is to minister to the families of church members at the time of a loved one’s death and in the season of grieving which follows a death. To this end, the team:
• Maintains a procedure to notify team members of the death or pending death of a church member or of a person in the family of a church member.
• Makes and maintains personal contact with the family of the deceased to identify needs that can be met by this deacon-led ministry.
• Provides information to the church concerning funeral arrangements and needs of the family and coordinates opportunities for the congregation to minister to the family of the deceased.
• Coordinates ongoing care (for at least 12 months) for the grieving in the season after a death has occurred.
• Provides information, education, and support groups which address the needs of persons who grieve.

Senior Ministry Team Purpose and Function
The Senior Ministry Team’s purpose is to provide a ministry of encouragement, practical support, and opportunities for personal enrichment and growth to the church’s Senior Adults, regardless of if they regularly attend church services or cannot. The Senior Ministry Team may:
• Make and maintain contact with, and provides spiritual strength and support for, those who are generally unable to be present for worship and other functions of the church.
• Arrange for the homebound to receive communion.
• Coordinates transportation to worship and other church activities, appointments, and errands.
• Coordinate the performance of light maintenance and other household tasks.
• Provide information, support groups, and educational opportunities that enhance the life and functioning of the Senior member.
• Involve the church youth & children in interaction with, and ministry to, the Senior members.

Hospital Ministry Team Purpose and Function
The hospital and recovery ministry team provides spiritual strength, encouragement, and practical support to persons who are preparing for hospitalization, are hospitalized, or are recovering from hospitalization, as well as to their families. To this end, the team:
• maintains this document that includes procedures for effective and efficient team ministry
• makes personal contact with the patient and family to identify their needs and to provide needed support immediately before and during hospitalization. This could include prayer support, transportation to doctor for follow up visits, or a meal.

Membership Outreach Team Purpose and Function
The Membership/Outreach Ministry Team envisions a community that connects and builds relationships that draw on friendship and faith for strength and growth. It provides leadership in emphasizing the positive aspects of the church with a focus on enhanced membership.

The Membership Ministry Team's purpose is to effectively and lovingly:
• Identify potential new members through the visitor information form filled in during the worship service. Encourage an announcement from the pulpit to welcome visitors and invite them to sign the visitor form in the pew.
• Present and recommend applicants for membership to the church. Stay connected with the applicants for at least a year to ensure that KBC is meeting their needs.
• Guide and connect new members and their families as they find their place in our faith community. Work with the Senior Pastor and other staff ministers on a program of new member orientation.
• Encourage active members and non-member regular attendees to participate fully in the life of the church.
• Work with the Senior Pastor on outreach opportunities.
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