Music Ministry
Music is an integral part of Kirkwood Baptist Church. The music ministry exists to help provide opportunities for individuals to join together in community to share their gifts in making music to the glory of God. Talented and thoughtful leaders, dedicated participants, and meaningful worship experiences are at the heart of our music ministry.

Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir serves as a leader in worship throughout the year and meets on Wednesday evenings. This choir strives to build community among its members through common goals, hard work, and just plain fun.

KBC Brass
Beautiful and vibrant brass music is a regular part of worship at KBC. This group is open to new members who can commit to regular rehearsals on Wednesday Evenings. Special ensembles often grow out of this group such as a trumpet choir led by Susan Slaughter.

Chancel Ringers
Chancel Ringers lead in worship on a regular basis and is open to new members. The group is made up of experienced as well as novice handbell ringers and meets on Wednesday evenings. Basic music reading skills are important to be a part of this group.

Youth Singers
& Ringers
The students of KBC sing and play handbells in worship and participate in special projects throughout the year. These groups rehearse on Sunday evenings.

Young Musicians
Our children's choir features an educational, activity-based approach including singing, handbells and other instruments. These are fun and energetic groups that share in worship leadership and rehearse on Sunday evenings.