Formational Opportunities
We are formed into the image of Christ through many different avenues.
As we deepen friendships we are formed.
As we learn new information, we are formed.
As we spend time with God in prayer we are formed.
As we learn about our own ways of being we are formed.
See the church calendar and the upcoming events for dates and times, or email Donna Watts,
to discuss what path may be meaningful for you during this season of life.
Women's Epiphany
Each January we gather to reflect on the past year and look toward the new year with star words.
Taking time away from the daily routine to focus on our relationship with God.
Topics such as the Enneagram or parenting are explored in a focused setting.
Small Groups
Men's Prayer Group
Women's Spiritual Friendship
Widow's Might
A twice-per-month gathering for men to engage scripture through lectio divina and to pray with one another.
A monthly gathering for women to connect, pray and study together.
Widows in fellowship with one another. These ladies meet twice a month for a Game Day and a Luncheon.
Mid-Week Gatherings
Virtual Gathering
A list of the needs in our community and beyond is shared each week. Bringing those needs to God is a regular part of the week.
A weekly study of the scripture text from the previous Sunday's sermon. Led by the Senior Pastor.
Contact Pastor Matt Vandagriff for a link to this small group on line gathering each Wednesday evening at 6 pm